Secure the Cloud with Symantec™

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud technologies and agile development processes, new threats and vulnerabilities are emerging. To address these challenges, a complete and comprehensive approach is required that can mitigate these risks without impacting business speed and agility.

Cloud adoption and agile development processes have become prevalent due to their flexibility and scalability. However, these changes have also introduced new challenges, such as the need to address security threats and vulnerabilities that may arise in cloud environments and agile development processes.

To address these challenges, organizations need to adopt a complete and comprehensive security approach that includes:

  1. Risk assessment: Organizations need to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with their cloud environments and agile development processes
  2. Security controls: Once risks are identified, organizations need to implement appropriate security controls, such as access controls, encryption, and monitoring, to mitigate identified risks.
  3. Continuous monitoring: Organizations need to continuously monitor their cloud environments and agile development processes to detect and respond to any potential security incidents.
  4. Education and training: Organizations need to educate and train their employees on security best practices, such as secure coding and data handling, to ensure that they understand potential risks and how to mitigate them.
  5. Collaboration: Finally, organizations need to foster collaboration between their cloud and security teams to ensure that security is integrated into agile development processes without compromising speed and agility.

By adopting a complete and comprehensive security approach, organizations can address new threats and vulnerabilities arising from cloud adoption and agile development processes without impacting their business’s speed and agility.